Social Activities producing new knowledge

The activities performed by students using the MeLOD platform, are tracked in order to support further analysis of the mobile learning experience undertaken by students.
In particular the analysis are focused on: a) visualizing the common paths treaded by students, in order to identify students lacking some relevant cultural heritage for their learning activity; b) collect data about the social activities of voting and commenting accomplished by students during their visit. Indeed, an important aspect of the MeLOD environment is that the activities of the student are used to “produce new knowledge”. Students during their exploration of the city will produce new information that will be gathered and acquired as new knowledge. In the MeLOD system commonly used ontology such as FOAF, or GeoNames have been combined with an upper-level ontology related to data collection. In particular, this ontology has been used to represent specific actions supported by the MeLOD environment. In the prototypal stage in which is the system at the time of writing the attention has been focalized to students actions related to the request of contents during their visit, and the social activities of commenting and voting performed during the visit. The track is connected to a student through a RDF triple, using the melod:hasTrack property. In turn, each track is identified by type and location. The type is used to identify the action as a social action (voting and commenting) or a request for contents, while the location is used to identify the place in which the action has been performed.